Sales & Marketing

HubSpot X Cube

Get your departments on the same page

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Unlock insights faster


Get granular & consolidate data

Capture accurate and clean marketing and sales operational and driver data in a single source of truth.


Forecast & plan with accuracy

Get easy access to revenue, lead, and quota attainment data to make marketing and sales planning a breeze.

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Empower sales & marketing

Empower marketing and sales with insights they need to make informed decisions and allocate resources.

Welcome to FP&A without the busy work

Get out of the data entry weeds and into the strategy. Sign up for a free demo of Cube today.

Cube has allowed the team to spend more time analyzing the data and less time compiling data. We have our CRM, HRIS, financial, and budget data in one place and standardized for a fraction of the cost of several other solutions we looked at.

Robert Gilbert, VP of Finance

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Why integrate HubSpot with Cube

Go live in days, not months. No consultants required.

  • Enhance data visibility

    Get real-time insights into marketing ROI, sales performance, and resource allocation needs—all in one place.

  • Improve marketing planning & sales forecasting

    Make it easier to plan and track your marketing spend and develop sales forecasts. Easily identify trends, understand customer behavior, and anticipate demand.

  • Align your go-to-market teams

    Rally department leaders around shared metrics and accurate data to improve collaboration, better interpret customer needs, and align around strategic initiatives.

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  • What data can be transferred as part of a HubSpot and Cube integration?
    HubSpot data across various metrics, including lead generation, conversion rates, customer interactions, and marketing campaign performance, can be seamlessly integrated with Cube.
  • Can the integration between HubSpot and Cube be customized to meet my specific business requirements?
    Absolutely. The integration can be customized to capture specific data points and metrics relevant to your business objectives and growth strategies organized by deal name or deal stage. Enhance your data by adding up to 25 extra details, known as attributes, for each record imported, allowing for a richer and more tailored dataset.
  • What's the typical setup time for a HubSpot and Cube integration?
    2 weeks
  • What kind of support or assistance is available during the integration process?
    Cube provides extensive assistance during integration, aiding in building data structures with Cube, connecting data sources, defining mappings, loading data, and ensuring accuracy. Moreover, Cube offers training sessions covering essential Cube knowledge and hands-on practice, ensuring self-sufficiency in utilizing Cube.

See Cube in action