Cash Flow Reporting

Take control of
your cash flow.

Cash is king. Ensure you have the right tools to manage your cash inflows and outflows, understand your cash flow drivers, and make strategic decisions about future investments.


your data

Consolidate data in real time so you have a single source of truth for all your financial data—with specific audit controls to maintain compliance and mitigate errors.


Manage data
your way

Our Universal Spreadsheet Connector lets you easily import, store, and manipulate large amounts of data from multiple sources and access it directly in your spreadsheet.


Share strategic insights

Keep your stakeholders in the know. Easily create custom reports and dashboards to share insights into your cash flow patterns, cash runway, budgeting, expenses, and more.

Cash flow statements

Create and manage your direct and indirect cash flow with Cube. Automatically compile data from various sources, such as sales, expenses, investments, and financing activities, to generate cash flow statements and get valuable insights into your company's financials and quality of earnings.


Cash flow forecasting

Plan for the road ahead. Project future cash flows based on different scenarios to anticipate cash shortages or surpluses and make informed decisions to manage liquidity effectively.


Collaborative reporting

Foster transparency, alignment, and accountability across your company by enabling stakeholders, such as finance teams, executives, and department heads, to collaborate on cash flow planning and reporting.

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Cube gives your department leaders the ability to create their own scenarios and forecasts, track their budgets to actuals, and see their own P&Ls, all within a spreadsheet.

Dustin Walsted, VP of Finance, Technology, HR

Read Dustin's story

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