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Will AI replace your finance team in 2024?

Updated: October 2, 2024 |

Abbie Bowen

Technical Content Writer, Cube Software

Abbie Bowen
Abbie Bowen

A technical content writer and FP&A enthusiast, Abbie is passionate about building customer education that develops confidence and self-sufficiency.

Technical Content Writer, Cube Software

Will AI replace your finance team in 2024?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) handles everything from credit scoring and fraud detection to managing portfolios and automating payments. With its rapid progress, you might start to wonder: Will AI replace your financial planning and analysis team?

Oxford University estimates that AI could automate over 40% of jobs by 2033, making this a real concern. However, while AI will certainly reshape the finance industry, it cannot replicate the critical thinking, creativity, and complex decision-making that your team provides.

In this article, we’ll explore how AI is changing finance, what benefits it offers, and how you can make the most of it without losing the human touch.

Will AI replace your finance team in 2024?


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Will AI replace humans in finance?

AI won't replace entire finance jobs like financial analysts or accountants, but it will take over specific tasks. For instance, AI can handle data entry, transaction processing, predictive analytics, and fraud detection. 

However, finance roles still need human skills—especially for complex issues like strategic planning and client communication. AI will assist by taking care of repetitive tasks, allowing finance professionals to focus on responsibilities that require human expertise. 

How does AI in finance work? 

AI in finance uses advanced algorithms and machine learning models to process vast amounts of data. Finance teams can use artificial intelligence to: 

  • Generate insights and unlock value from data for faster decision-making
  • Quickly detect anomalies, such as fraudulent transactions, financial crime, spoofing in trading, and cyber threats
  • Automate routine tasks like account reconciliation, freeing up time for more strategic work
  • Optimize investment strategies by analyzing market trends and modeling forecasting outcomes
  • Enhance customer experiences through personalized financial services and support

The rise of AI in the finance industry

The rise of AI in finance has significantly impacted the industry, with AI expected to save the financial industry $1 trillion by the end of 2030.

One notable area where AI has transformed finance is algorithmic trading. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data in real time and make informed trading decisions, even outperforming human traders. 

They can also help with fraud detection and monitoring financial compliance. Machine learning algorithms can detect patterns and anomalies in financial transactions, helping to identify and prevent fraudulent activities quickly and effectively. This has helped financial institutions save significant amounts of money and maintain the trust of their customers.

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Benefits of integrating AI into your finance team 

Debating about using AI to support your finance teams? Here’s why you might want to: 

Reduced manual work 

Financial processes often involve repetitive tasks such as data entry, transaction processing, and report generation. This can be time-consuming due to the manual effort required and the potential for human error.

AI can automate these tasks, enabling finance teams to focus on higher-level strategic activities rather than getting slowed down by routine work.

Cost optimization

Integrating AI into your finance teams offers substantial cost optimization. 

For example, Deutsche Bank recently announced a multi-year innovation partnership with NVIDIA to embed AI into its financial services, including intelligent avatars, speech AI, fraud detection, and risk management. This collaboration slashed the total cost of ownership by 80%.

Improved accuracy 

The finance industry requires accuracy in data processing and analytics; a small error can lead to financial and regulatory problems.

AI minimizes human involvement in data-heavy processes. It can process vast amounts of data with more precision than humans often can, which helps make sure that financial reports, forecasts, and analyses are accurate and reliable. 

Why AI won’t completely take over finance jobs 

While AI algorithms can analyze and process large amounts of data, they struggle to accurately assess and interpret market trends, geopolitical events, and regulatory requirements. 

They also lack the ability to make judgment calls in uncertain situations and understand the broader economic impact of financial decisions. 

For instance, in the context of mergers and acquisitions, AI isn’t equipped to handle the negotiation skills, cultural understanding, and ability to foresee potential synergies or conflicts between merging entities that human professionals bring to the table.

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How to use AI to complement the work of your finance team 

Finance teams that leverage AI can optimize cost, reduce manual work, and improve accuracy. Let's explore how you can use AI to complement the work of your finance team:

1. Perform an AI gap analysis

An AI gap analysis involves:

  • Assessing your organization’s current use of AI
  • Identifying areas for improvement
  • Determining opportunities for new AI implementations

Start by evaluating existing workflows to identify time-consuming, error-prone, or repetitive tasks, such as data entry, transaction processing, and report generation. Once you’ve mapped out these processes, consider which ones AI can automate. 

This analysis will help you pinpoint where AI can make the most impact, freeing up your team to focus on strategic activities that drive business growth.

2. Encourage a growth mindset 

As AI continues to evolve, your finance team needs to grow alongside it. Encouraging a growth mindset within your team means fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. 

Provide opportunities for finance team members to learn AI-related skills, such as data analysis, machine learning basics, and effective use of AI-powered finance tools. As your team grows their AI expertise, they’ll be better equipped to harness AI’s potential, stay ahead of industry trends, and add value to the organization.

3. Rely on human expertise 

While AI can automate routine tasks and provide advanced data insights, human expertise remains irreplaceable in finance. We need human brains and experience to navigate complex financial scenarios, interpret nuanced market trends, or understand the emotional and psychological aspects of financial decisions.

Human professionals bring critical thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of the broader economic and cultural contexts that AI just can’t replicate. Rely on your team’s expertise to make judgments in uncertain situations, manage client relationships, and ensure that financial decisions align with ethical standards and long-term goals. 

AI should complement—not replace—the invaluable skills that your FPA team offers.

AI is an ally for your finance team

As your finance team adapts to the changing landscape, it’s important to see AI as an ally, not a threat. Artificial intelligence empowers your team by automating routine tasks, cutting costs, and boosting accuracy. 

But the real power comes from combining AI’s strengths with the expertise of your finance professionals. This lets your team focus on strategic decisions, solve complex problems, and build stronger client relationships.

AI doesn’t replace human professionals; it enhances their work. When used effectively, AI supports your team and makes your financial operations more efficient, resilient, and innovative.

Ready to step into the future of finance? Cube’s AI-powered FP&A software is here to help. Request a free demo today.

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FAQs on AI in finance

  • Will AI replace financial analysts?

    AI won't replace financial analysts but it can transform their roles. AI can handle data analysis and generate reports, allowing analysts to focus on higher-level tasks like interpreting data, making strategic recommendations, and providing personalized insights. 

    Human judgment and contextual understanding are important in finance, which AI alone cannot replicate.

  • Will AI replace accountants?

    AI automates many routine accounting tasks, such as data entry, reconciliations, and basic reporting, but won't replace accountants. Accountants interpret financial data, ensure compliance, and offer strategic financial advice. 

    While AI boosts efficiency, human expertise remains crucial for complex decision-making and navigating regulatory frameworks.

  • Will AI replace CFA?

    AI won't replace chartered financial analysts (CFAs).  While AI can process data and perform quantitative analysis, CFAs bring critical thinking, deep market knowledge, and the ability to understand complex financial scenarios. 

    AI can assist CFAs by providing data insights, but human expertise is essential for making informed investment decisions and client advising.

  • Will AI replace financial controllers?
    AI will support, not replace, financial controllers.  Financial controllers oversee an organization's financial health, requiring strategic thinking, leadership, and a deep understanding of business operations. 
  • Which finance jobs are safe from automation?

    FP&A jobs that require strategic thinking, complex decision-making, relationship management, and deep expertise are safe from automation.  This includes financial advisors, investment bankers, and CFOs, and many more. 

    AI can assist with data processing and routine tasks, but any roles involving nuanced judgment, human interaction, and creative problem-solving will continue to rely on human professionals.