Success Stories

G2 ranks Cube #1 for ease of use, price, and user satisfaction (Spring ‘23)

Updated: April 28, 2023 |

Jake Ballinger

FP&A Writer, Cube Software

Jake Ballinger
Jake Ballinger

Jake Ballinger is an experienced SEO and content manager with deep expertise in FP&A and finance topics. He speaks 9 languages and lives in NYC.

FP&A Writer, Cube Software

G2 ranks Cube #1 for ease of use, price, and user satisfaction (Spring ‘23)

Too often, FP&A teams are stuck trudging through manual tasks like digging for data or cleaning up reports. 

Cube helps teams get out of the weeds and into real strategy with spreadsheet-native FP&A that lets them skip the hours of manual work and jump ahead to solutions that drive better business performance.

And we’re proud to have received nearly 30 badges in G2’s Spring Report; these badges are a solid signal of our continued dedication to building a user-friendly product and delivering an exceptional customer experience.


See Cube in action

Get out of the data entry weeds and into the strategy.

Free demo

Important to note: these badges were earned across multiple FP&A disciplines, including Corporate Performance Management (CPM), Financial Close, Financial Analysis, and Budgeting and Forecasting.

2x Spring 23 overall badges

Across FP&A categories, Cube ranks #1 for: 

  • Price
  • Ease of setup
  • Ease of use
  • User satisfaction
  • Version control
  • Ease of admin 

How did we earn these rankings? We’ll let our customers speak to that: 


Want to see what else our customers have to say about working with Cube? Check out our G2 profile for the latest reviews. 

We’re really proud of all the Cubers who make it possible to deliver a great customer experience and earn us high rankings quarter over quarter. 

Special thank you to Cube customers, advocates, and super-fans for taking the time to share your invaluable feedback on G2. 

Talk to the Cube team

We’re founded by a serial CFO turned CEO who grew tired of being limited by spreadsheets and blocked by cumbersome software. Her goal was to create the “just right” solution for FP&A teams.

If you’re looking for:

  • A less manual FP&A process
  • Confidence in your numbers
  • Access to more analysis, models, forecasts, and automated reports
  • The ability to keep what you love about spreadsheets (and automate what you don't)

We can help. Get in touch with the Cube team today.

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